I'm Laura, an Art Director based in Amsterdam.
In this blog you will find pieces of what I love most: food and coffee. Enjoy!

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There is been some time since I don't update my blog and the reason is that the last few weeks I have been very busy, working on my portfolio. Due to a portfolio review, I travelled to Zaragoza two weeks ago, where I spent the whole weekend.

The portfolio correction happened to be a thrill and that left me quite some time to walk around the city with a perfect guide.

These are some of the snaps I took. The next post will be (of course) about food. Everything I ate there was delicious!

2 comentarios :

  1. ayyy tendrias que habermelo dicho!

  2. Beautiful photos as always! I have got to start pulling out my camera again. Or, better yet, saving up for a digital SLR so I can take REAL photos.
